You can rename a table or a column temporarily by giving another name known as alias. The use of table aliases means to rename a table in a particular SQL database.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Practical SQL | 115 | 2011 | Performance | Balan |
2 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 123.45 | 2015 | Security | Chandra |
3 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 60 | 2009 | Programming | Sakunthala |
4 | SQL Fundamentals | 136.33 | 2006 | Optimization | Dharan |
The SQL ALTER TABLE command is used to add, delete or modify columns in an existing table. You would also use ALTER TABLE command to add and drop various constraints on a an existing table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Complete Guide To No-SQL | 71.87 | 2015 | Programming | Ramanathan |
2 | Sql Server Interview Questions | 60 | 2011 | Programming | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Oracle Database Internals | 165 | 2006 | Database | Balan |
4 | Head First SQL | 125 | 2008 | Security | Hanumanthan |
WHERE conditions can be combined with AND, OR, and NOT. A WHERE clause with AND requires that two conditions are true.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 80 | 2012 | Database | Bala Murugan |
2 | Simply SQL | 195 | 2013 | Programming | Azaghu Varshith |
3 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 95 | 2012 | Optimization | Chandra |
4 | Professional MySql | 136.33 | 2015 | Performance | Harish Karthik |
The second piece of the puzzle is the IDENTITY constraint, which informs SQL Server to auto increment the numeric value within the specified column anytime a new record is INSERTED.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Database Systems Using Oracle | 110 | 2008 | Optimization | Keshavan |
2 | Sql Server Cookbook | 140 | 2006 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
3 | Securing Oracle | 100 | 2013 | Programming | Geetha |
4 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 165 | 2015 | Programming | Balan |
To specify an exclusive range, use the greater than (>) and less than operators (<). If any input to the BETWEEN or NOT BETWEEN predicate is NULL, the result will include.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Programming With MySQL | 140 | 2015 | Optimization | Sakunthala |
2 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 85 | 2009 | Programming | Dharan |
3 | Troubleshooting MYSQL | 100 | 2007 | Optimization | Pandurengan |
4 | Learing Oracle SQL & Pl/sql | 90 | 2012 | Administration | Ramanathan |
This mysql tutorial explains how to use the check constraints in mysql with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Head First SQL Brain On SQL | 170 | 2012 | Performance | Varshini Kutty |
2 | The Database Language SQL | 178.69 | 2009 | Database | Padmavathi |
3 | Oracle Interview Questions | 95 | 2006 | Security | Siva Kumar |
4 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 135 | 2013 | Programming | Geetha |
The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in a relational database.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Concurrency | 90 | 2012 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
2 | Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming | 70 | 2015 | Performance | Rishi Keshan |
3 | SQL Fundamentals | 95 | 2010 | Database | Nirmala |
4 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 205 | 2011 | Administration | Balan |
SQL - DEFAULT Constraint. The DEFAULT constraint provides a default value to a column when the INSERT INTO statement does not provide a specific value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 120 | 2009 | Database | Chandra |
2 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 100 | 2009 | Optimization | Dharan |
3 | MySql for professionals | 99.99 | 2013 | Programming | Nirmala |
4 | Oracle Cookbook | 140 | 2014 | Optimization | Keshavan |
The SQL DELETE Query is used to delete the existing records from a table. You can use WHERE clause with DELETE query to delete selected rows, otherwise all rows will be deleted.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Sql Server Concurrency | 190 | 2012 | Programming | Nirmala |
2 | The Complete Guide to MySql | 199.97 | 2007 | Performance | Bala Murugan |
3 | The Practical SQL Handbook | 185 | 2015 | Programming | Hari Krishnan |
4 | Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming | 105 | 2013 | Optimization | Ranjani Mai |
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQL DISTINCT clause with syntax ... In this case, the DISTINCT applies to each field listed after the DISTINCT keyword.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Professional MySql | 170 | 2008 | Database | Harish Karthik |
2 | MySql Concurrency | 195 | 2011 | Optimization | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 71.87 | 2014 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
4 | MySql Interview Questions | 115 | 2014 | Administration | Balan |
SQL Foreign Key - Learn SQL (Structured Programming Language) in simple and easy steps starting from basics to advanced concepts.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL and Relational Theory | 71.87 | 2011 | Programming | Ranjani Mai |
2 | Pro Oracle Administration | 95 | 2011 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 170 | 2007 | Performance | Sakunthala |
4 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 165 | 2015 | Security | Ramanathan |
The SQL FULL JOIN combines the results of both left and right outer joins. The joined table will contain all records from both tables, and fill in NULLs for missing rows.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Database Management | 123.45 | 2010 | Security | Rishi Keshan |
2 | MySql Interview Questions | 105 | 2015 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
3 | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | 190 | 2015 | Administration | Devi Mai |
4 | Pro MySql Administration | 65 | 2006 | Database | Ramanathan |
SQL ABS() function is used to get the absolute value of a number passed as an argument. An expression which is a numeric value or numeric data type.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Beginning SQL Queries | 150 | 2011 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | MySql Concurrency | 170 | 2013 | Programming | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Advanced SQL Programming | 199.97 | 2011 | Optimization | Keshavan |
4 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 115 | 2007 | Performance | Dharan |
SQL AVG Function - Learn SQL (Structured Programming Language) in simple and easy steps starting from basics to advanced concepts.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 178.69 | 2014 | Security | Bala Murugan |
2 | Teach Yourself SQL | 110 | 2011 | Database | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Head First SQL Brain On SQL | 71.87 | 2007 | Security | Rishi Keshan |
4 | Transact SQL Cookbook | 200 | 2013 | Security | Sakunthala |
Transact-SQL Reference (Database Engine) Built-in Functions (Transact-SQL) ... shows positive numeric, negative, and zero values with the CEILING function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL and Relational Theory | 85 | 2012 | Administration | Devi Mai |
2 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 145 | 2015 | Optimization | Hari Krishnan |
3 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 130 | 2014 | Security | Balan |
4 | The Complete Guide to MySql | 165 | 2013 | Performance | Azaghu Varshith |
The CHARINDEX string function returns the starting position of the specified expression in a character string.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 125 | 2009 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
2 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 165 | 2011 | Database | Devi Mai |
3 | SQL Pocket Guide | 84.22 | 2006 | Performance | Sakunthala |
4 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 100 | 2007 | Programming | Ranjani Mai |
CONCAT (Transact-SQL) Returns a string that is the result of concatenating two or more string values.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Troubleshooting MYSQL | 195 | 2012 | Optimization | Chandra |
2 | Pro Oracle Administration | 105 | 2010 | Security | Sakunthala |
3 | MySql Database Internals | 60 | 2006 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
4 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 90 | 2010 | Programming | Sakunthala |
SQL COUNT function is the simplest function and very useful in counting the number of records, which are expected to be returned by a SELECT statement.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server | 123.45 | 2015 | Programming | Nirmala |
2 | Simply SQL | 99.99 | 2011 | Optimization | Ramanathan |
3 | SQL Functions Reference | 115 | 2012 | Performance | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | MySQL: The Complete Reference | 145 | 2012 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the DATEADD function returns a date after which a certain time/date interval has been added.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Design Patterns | 168.27 | 2011 | Database | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | Sql Server Cookbook | 155 | 2014 | Optimization | Geetha |
3 | MySql Database Internals | 105 | 2011 | Performance | Sakunthala |
4 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 125 | 2008 | Optimization | Chandra |
DATEDIFF (Transact-SQL) Returns the count (signed integer) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 85 | 2008 | Optimization | Balan |
2 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 95 | 2006 | Optimization | Pandurengan |
3 | Programming With MySQL | 160 | 2014 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
4 | My SQL Complete Reference | 155 | 2006 | Administration | Hari Krishnan |
DATEPART implicitly casts string literals as a datetime2 type. This means that DATEPART does not support the format YDM when the date is passed as a string.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Database Management | 155 | 2011 | Database | Ramanathan |
2 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 84.22 | 2015 | Performance | Geetha |
3 | MySql for professionals | 135 | 2006 | Programming | Devi Mai |
4 | MySql Interview Questions | 75 | 2008 | Performance | Bala Murugan |
SQL DISTINCT along with the SQL FLOOR() function is used to retrieve only unique value after rounded down to the next least integer value depending on the column specified.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql for professionals | 180 | 2014 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 145 | 2006 | Security | Balan |
3 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 195 | 2012 | Optimization | Ranjani Mai |
4 | Getting Started With SQL | 150 | 2009 | Security | Sakunthala |
In some cases, you will be required to use the SQL GROUP BY clause with the SQL MAX function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server Database Internals | 60 | 2007 | Security | Bala Murugan |
2 | MySql All-in-One For Dummies | 199.97 | 2008 | Programming | Rishi Keshan |
3 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 99.99 | 2015 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
4 | My SQL Complete Reference | 200 | 2010 | Database | Rishi Keshan |
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the SUBSTRING function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Making Sense Of SQL | 170 | 2006 | Optimization | Dharan |
2 | Simply SQL | 178.69 | 2009 | Optimization | Geetha |
3 | Understanding the New SQL | 175 | 2015 | Security | Devi Mai |
4 | SQL Made Simple... By Examples | 115 | 2010 | Programming | Dharan |
The MIN() Function. The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Concurrency | 150 | 2012 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
2 | Pro SQL Azure | 135 | 2015 | Performance | Padmavathi |
3 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 205 | 2011 | Administration | Keshavan |
4 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 99.99 | 2008 | Database | Padmavathi |
The following table lists the most important built-in date functions in MySQL: NOW(), Returns the current date and time.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL for students | 70 | 2011 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
2 | Professional MySql | 75 | 2009 | Security | Chandra |
3 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server | 84.22 | 2009 | Administration | Padmavathi |
4 | Programming With Sql Server T-Sql | 145 | 2006 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
SQL Server Database Engine assigns a seed value at random. For a specified seed value, the result returned is always the same.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Transact SQL Cookbook | 95 | 2014 | Security | Chandra |
2 | MySql Concurrency | 185 | 2010 | Optimization | Padmavathi |
3 | MySql Fundamentals | 71.87 | 2008 | Security | Chandra |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 110 | 2012 | Programming | Dharan |
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the REPLACE function replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters, not case-sensitive.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Pocket Guide | 175 | 2007 | Administration | Balan |
2 | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | 123.45 | 2009 | Database | Hari Krishnan |
3 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 95 | 2009 | Performance | Chandra |
4 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 190 | 2014 | Performance | Ramanathan |
The number of decimal places rounded to. This value must be a positive or negative integer. If this parameter is omitted, the ROUND function will round the number to 0 decimal places.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming | 190 | 2009 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | From Access To SQL Server | 84.22 | 2010 | Security | Vidyavathi |
3 | Making Sense Of SQL | 130 | 2013 | Optimization | Pandurengan |
4 | Getting Started With SQL | 165 | 2013 | Security | Vidyavathi |
SQRT (Transact-SQL) Returns the square root of the specified float value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Interview Questions | 70 | 2012 | Optimization | Bala Murugan |
2 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 120 | 2008 | Security | Sakunthala |
3 | SQL Made Simple... By Examples | 84.22 | 2014 | Programming | Dharan |
4 | MySql All-in-One For Dummies | 168.27 | 2010 | Programming | Chandra |
Because you have listed one column in your SQL SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the SQL SUM function, you must use the SQL GROUP BY clause.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL | 80 | 2011 | Optimization | Chandra |
2 | Oracle Interview Questions | 125 | 2007 | Database | Harish Karthik |
3 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 155 | 2015 | Database | Devi Mai |
4 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 145 | 2014 | Administration | Harish Karthik |
The SQL GROUP BY clause is used in collaboration with the SELECT statement to arrange identical data into groups.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Sql Server Cookbook | 60 | 2008 | Security | Sakunthala |
2 | Oracle Interview Questions | 80 | 2011 | Security | Harish Karthik |
3 | Making Sense Of SQL | 165 | 2007 | Programming | Chandra |
4 | Oracle Database Internals | 178.69 | 2007 | Programming | Pandurengan |
HAVING filters records that work on summarized GROUP BY results. HAVING applies to summarized group records, whereas WHERE applies to individual records.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Design Patterns | 199.97 | 2015 | Database | Sakunthala |
2 | MySql Concurrency | 190 | 2009 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
3 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 136.33 | 2010 | Database | Harish Karthik |
4 | Oracle Interview Questions | 135 | 2012 | Administration | Padmavathi |
The IN conditional operator is really a set membership test operator.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Complete Guide to SQL Server | 70 | 2007 | Security | Dharan |
2 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 110 | 2010 | Administration | Ranjani Mai |
3 | The Practical SQL Handbook | 84.22 | 2010 | Programming | Hari Krishnan |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 | 80 | 2009 | Administration | Keshavan |
The most frequently used and important of the joins is the INNER JOIN. They are also referred to as an EQUIJOIN. The INNER JOIN creates a new result table by combining two tables.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Natural language Query To SQL | 140 | 2011 | Administration | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | From Access To SQL Server | 71.87 | 2009 | Security | Ranjani Mai |
3 | Oracle Cookbook | 205 | 2012 | Database | Sakunthala |
4 | Pro Oracle Administration | 195 | 2012 | Administration | Ramanathan |
The SQL INSERT INTO clause has actually two parts - the first specifying the table we are inserting into and giving the list of columns we are inserting values for new records.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Design Patterns | 75 | 2010 | Programming | Hanumanthan |
2 | Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming | 123.45 | 2007 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Pro MySql Administration | 180 | 2013 | Optimization | Dharan |
4 | MySql Database Internals | 105 | 2011 | Programming | Harish Karthik |
You can use the INSERT and SELECT statements to add rows to a table in the following The INSERT statement inserts data-values as one or more rows into the ... the SQL Server Database Engine generates the values for these columns.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 199.97 | 2006 | Optimization | Balan |
2 | MySql for professionals | 100 | 2008 | Optimization | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 140 | 2013 | Optimization | Siva Kumar |
4 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 80 | 2009 | Security | Balan |
The SQL LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table. This means that if the ON clause matches 0 (zero) records.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 75 | 2013 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
2 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 199.97 | 2011 | Optimization | Azaghu Varshith |
3 | Troubleshooting MYSQL | 170 | 2006 | Administration | Rishi Keshan |
4 | Programming With MySQL | 140 | 2009 | Performance | Harish Karthik |
The SQL LIKE clause is used to compare a value to similar values using wildcard operators. There are two wildcards used in conjunction with the LIKE operator.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Concurrency | 145 | 2006 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
2 | Sql Server Cookbook | 175 | 2010 | Performance | Varshini Kutty |
3 | SQL and Relational Theory | 155 | 2014 | Security | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | Simply SQL | 123.45 | 2009 | Programming | Harish Karthik |
SQL NOT NULL Constraint - Learn SQL (Structured Programming Language) in simple and easy steps starting from basics to advanced concepts.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Fundamentals | 165 | 2008 | Database | Devi Mai |
2 | SQL Server Fundamentals | 160 | 2008 | Performance | Vidyavathi |
3 | Postgresql Official Documentation | 99.99 | 2008 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
4 | My SQL Complete Reference | 105 | 2010 | Optimization | Hari Krishnan |
SQL ORDER BY Clause - Learn SQL (Structured Programming Language) in simple and easy steps starting from basics to advanced concepts.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL in Easy Steps | 199.97 | 2011 | Programming | Keshavan |
2 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 136.33 | 2009 | Database | Harish Karthik |
3 | Pro SQL Azure | 180 | 2015 | Database | Harish Karthik |
4 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 155 | 2011 | Performance | Rishi Keshan |
A primary key is a field in a table which uniquely identifies each row/record in a database table. ... A primary key column cannot have NULL values.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Complete Guide to SQL | 115 | 2014 | Security | Pandurengan |
2 | My SQL Complete Reference | 165 | 2008 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
3 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 155 | 2007 | Database | Harish Karthik |
4 | SQL Server Database Internals | 80 | 2013 | Administration | Keshavan |
The SQL RIGHT JOIN returns all rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the left table. This means that if the ON clause matches 0 (zero).
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 150 | 2009 | Optimization | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | Understanding the New SQL | 84.22 | 2010 | Administration | Ramanathan |
3 | Programming With MySQL | 190 | 2015 | Security | Padmavathi |
4 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 75 | 2009 | Programming | Keshavan |
In most applications, SELECT is the most commonly used data manipulation language (DML) command. As SQL is a declarative programming language, SELECT queries specify a result set, but do not specify how to calculate it.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 99.99 | 2011 | Performance | Harish Karthik |
2 | Pro MySql Administration | 180 | 2011 | Optimization | Bala Murugan |
3 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 | 170 | 2012 | Security | Siva Kumar |
4 | Pro Oracle SQL | 175 | 2008 | Administration | Padmavathi |
All the databases do not support TOP clause. For example MySQL supports LIMIT clause to fetch limited number of records and Oracle uses ROWNUM to fetch limited number of records.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Sql Server Cookbook | 71.87 | 2007 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
2 | Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming | 155 | 2010 | Optimization | Nirmala |
3 | Professional Oracle | 160 | 2011 | Administration | Siva Kumar |
4 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 190 | 2015 | Security | Dharan |
The SQL UNION clause/operator is used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements without returning any duplicate rows.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 140 | 2014 | Programming | Dharan |
2 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 130 | 2008 | Optimization | Keshavan |
3 | SQL Fundamentals | 195 | 2010 | Administration | Keshavan |
4 | SQL: The Complete Reference | 90 | 2013 | Administration | Chandra |
SQL - Syntax. ... The UNIQUE Constraint prevents two records from having identical values in a particular column.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Learing Oracle SQL & Pl/sql | 100 | 2006 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
2 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 99.99 | 2014 | Database | Sakunthala |
3 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 65 | 2011 | Security | Chandra |
4 | PHP And MySQL Bible | 190 | 2013 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
The SQL UPDATE Query is used to modify the existing records in a table. You can use WHERE clause with UPDATE query to update selected rows otherwise all rows will be updated.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle All-in-One For Dummies | 99.99 | 2015 | Programming | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | MySQL: The Complete Reference | 150 | 2009 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
3 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 125 | 2011 | Database | Vidyavathi |
4 | Sql Server Concurrency | 71.87 | 2012 | Administration | Siva Kumar |
WHERE clauses are not mandatory clauses of SQL DML statements, but can be used to limit the number of rows affected by a SQL DML statement or returned by a query.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 71.87 | 2012 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
2 | Head First SQL Brain On SQL | 90 | 2012 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 75 | 2015 | Security | Keshavan |
4 | Professional MySql | 178.69 | 2007 | Database | Rishi Keshan |
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