In addition, aliasing can be used as an obfuscation technique to protect the real names of database fields.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Practical SQL Handbook | 180 | 2009 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
2 | Complete Guide To No-SQL | 105 | 2009 | Performance | Bala Murugan |
3 | SQL Made Simple... By Examples | 160 | 2006 | Security | Keshavan |
4 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 125 | 2009 | Performance | Dharan |
The SQL ALTER TABLE command is used to modify the definition (structure) of a table by modifying the definition of its columns.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 99.99 | 2015 | Database | Geetha |
2 | SQL in Easy Steps | 71.87 | 2012 | Performance | Dharan |
3 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 | 90 | 2012 | Programming | Padmavathi |
4 | Practical SQL | 136.33 | 2006 | Database | Hari Krishnan |
How to use SQL logical operators AND, OR, NOT. A tutorial on SQL programming. Your Guide in learning SQL.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Interview Questions | 71.87 | 2012 | Optimization | Bala Murugan |
2 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 185 | 2015 | Performance | Rishi Keshan |
3 | The SQL Programming Language | 75 | 2009 | Database | Keshavan |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 145 | 2008 | Programming | Keshavan |
The IDENTITY property is different from the sql/sql-DMO Identity property that exposes the ... Each new value is generated based on the current seed & increment.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySQL: The Complete Reference | 130 | 2014 | Security | Chandra |
2 | Beginning SQL Queries | 99.99 | 2015 | Administration | Padmavathi |
3 | Pro MySql Administration | 84.22 | 2009 | Database | Siva Kumar |
4 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server | 70 | 2013 | Optimization | Vinoth Kumar |
SQL BETWEEN ... AND Operator. The operator BETWEEN and AND, are used to compare data for a range of values.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 110 | 2006 | Performance | Sakunthala |
2 | Oracle Database Internals | 70 | 2010 | Performance | Sakunthala |
3 | Oracle Cookbook | 60 | 2010 | Performance | Chandra |
4 | MySql for professionals | 150 | 2006 | Database | Azaghu Varshith |
SQL CHECK constraint check specified specific condition, which must evaluate to true for constraint to be satisfied.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Concurrency | 180 | 2009 | Optimization | Dharan |
2 | Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL | 205 | 2009 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 84.22 | 2012 | Performance | Pandurengan |
4 | Simply MySql | 115 | 2008 | Security | Pandurengan |
How to create table in sql. How to create a database table. How to create SQL table. A tutorial on SQL programming.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Foundations Of Sql Server 2008 | 205 | 2006 | Performance | Vidyavathi |
2 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 145 | 2012 | Administration | Sakunthala |
3 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 155 | 2008 | Administration | Geetha |
4 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 71.87 | 2011 | Administration | Balan |
The DEFAULT value clause in a data type specification indicates a default value ... MySQL handles the column according to the SQL mode in effect at the time:.
alter table add column with default
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Complete Guide To No-SQL | 85 | 2009 | Optimization | Chandra |
2 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 90 | 2010 | Administration | Sakunthala |
3 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 130 | 2010 | Security | Ramanathan |
4 | Practical SQL | 185 | 2009 | Programming | Geetha |
Some DBMSs, like MySQL, allow deletion of rows from multiple tables with one DELETE statement (this is sometimes called multi-table DELETE).
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 115 | 2006 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
2 | SQL Made Simple... By Examples | 136.33 | 2013 | Administration | Hari Krishnan |
3 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 60 | 2015 | Programming | Nirmala |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 84.22 | 2006 | Administration | Pandurengan |
The distinct keyword is used with Select statement to retrieve unique values from the table. Distinct removes all the duplicate records while retrieving from database tables.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Functions Reference | 185 | 2009 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
2 | Professional MySql | 165 | 2012 | Security | Sakunthala |
3 | SQL Server Fundamentals | 95 | 2006 | Programming | Chandra |
4 | Oracle All-in-One For Dummies | 75 | 2009 | Database | Chandra |
In the context of relational databases, a foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Pocket Guide | 99.99 | 2011 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
2 | Sql Server Concurrency | 80 | 2013 | Optimization | Ramanathan |
3 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 95 | 2013 | Optimization | Sakunthala |
4 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 165 | 2009 | Performance | Rishi Keshan |
The SQL full join is the result of combination of both left and right outer join and the join tables have all the records from both tables.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Simply SQL | 90 | 2015 | Programming | Padmavathi |
2 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 123.45 | 2011 | Performance | Nirmala |
3 | Understanding the New SQL | 70 | 2015 | Performance | Sakunthala |
4 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 85 | 2012 | Performance | Devi Mai |
This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle / PLSQL ABS function with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 150 | 2008 | Database | Chandra |
2 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 80 | 2011 | Programming | Sakunthala |
3 | MySql Database Internals | 140 | 2015 | Security | Balan |
4 | Head First SQL Brain On SQL | 185 | 2013 | Database | Nirmala |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains how to use the AVG function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 190 | 2015 | Security | Dharan |
2 | Beginning SQL Queries | 100 | 2013 | Administration | Ramanathan |
3 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 165 | 2013 | Administration | Siva Kumar |
4 | Securing Oracle | 110 | 2011 | Programming | Hanumanthan |
Returns the ceiling (smallest integer not less than) of a number.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL in Easy Steps | 123.45 | 2011 | Programming | Keshavan |
2 | MySql Database Internals | 60 | 2012 | Programming | Pandurengan |
3 | SQL Fundamentals | 120 | 2010 | Optimization | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 170 | 2013 | Performance | Sakunthala |
Sql charindex is a sql server function that indicates the first position of a character or a character string within another character string.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Securing MySql | 200 | 2007 | Programming | Hari Krishnan |
2 | Sql Server Concurrency | 155 | 2009 | Security | Ranjani Mai |
3 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 115 | 2006 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
4 | The Complete Guide to SQL | 123.45 | 2010 | Performance | Dharan |
MySQL CONCAT() function is used to add two or more strings.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 155 | 2009 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
2 | Oracle Fundamentals | 130 | 2008 | Security | Rishi Keshan |
3 | SQL in Easy Steps | 150 | 2015 | Performance | Pandurengan |
4 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 75 | 2011 | Administration | Varshini Kutty |
The SQL COUNT function returns the number of rows in a table satisfying the criteria specified in the WHERE clause.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Pro SQL Azure | 150 | 2013 | Performance | Rishi Keshan |
2 | The Database Language SQL | 75 | 2009 | Programming | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Programming With Oracle | 178.69 | 2013 | Performance | Geetha |
4 | SQL Design Patterns | 180 | 2008 | Administration | Devi Mai |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains the DATEADD function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySQL Cookbook | 155 | 2009 | Programming | Chandra |
2 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 160 | 2006 | Security | Balan |
3 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 190 | 2013 | Administration | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | The Complete Guide to SQL Server | 60 | 2010 | Administration | Pandurengan |
SQL Server DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions allow you to easily perform calculations such as adding or subtracting a time interval from a datetime value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Fundamentals | 110 | 2015 | Optimization | Chandra |
2 | SQL: The Complete Reference | 140 | 2010 | Programming | Dharan |
3 | Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming | 190 | 2011 | Programming | Varshini Kutty |
4 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 136.33 | 2012 | Administration | Sakunthala |
The SQL Tutorial beginners section explains the DATEPART function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Database Internals | 71.87 | 2014 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
2 | MySql for professionals | 70 | 2007 | Security | Hanumanthan |
3 | Pro SQL Azure | 140 | 2009 | Performance | Vidyavathi |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 | 190 | 2015 | Performance | Hanumanthan |
The FLOOR function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the round value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Pro Oracle Administration | 120 | 2007 | Programming | Padmavathi |
2 | Foundations Of Sql Server 2008 | 190 | 2015 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
3 | Making Sense Of SQL | 180 | 2008 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Getting Started With SQL | 175 | 2013 | Administration | Varshini Kutty |
SQL MAX() function with GROUP by, ORDER by: How the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clause along with the SQL MAX() can be used to find maximum value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Database 11G New Features | 190 | 2011 | Security | Geetha |
2 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 130 | 2014 | Performance | Keshavan |
3 | Oracle Fundamentals | 165 | 2014 | Programming | Devi Mai |
4 | My SQL Complete Reference | 136.33 | 2014 | Security | Vidyavathi |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains the SUBSTRING function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server 2008 Transact-Sql | 65 | 2014 | Administration | Sakunthala |
2 | Oracle Cookbook | 75 | 2012 | Administration | Keshavan |
3 | MySql Interview Questions | 60 | 2007 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 85 | 2015 | Database | Balan |
SQL MIN() function with group by ... In this page we are going to discuss, how the GROUP BY clause along with the SQL MIN() can be used.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | From Access To SQL Server | 95 | 2011 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
2 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 205 | 2015 | Administration | Vidyavathi |
3 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 70 | 2012 | Optimization | Hanumanthan |
4 | Simply Oracle | 99.99 | 2008 | Programming | Keshavan |
The Microsoft Access Now function returns the current system date and time.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Teach Yourself SQL | 80 | 2007 | Security | Pandurengan |
2 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 125 | 2010 | Security | Devi Mai |
3 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 110 | 2010 | Programming | Padmavathi |
4 | My SQL Complete Reference | 145 | 2015 | Security | Nirmala |
Seeding SQL RAND() Method With NEWID() For Per-Row Random.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 75 | 2006 | Database | Balan |
2 | SQL Made Simple... By Examples | 175 | 2008 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
3 | MySql Concurrency | 140 | 2009 | Optimization | Varshini Kutty |
4 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 80 | 2009 | Performance | Ramanathan |
REPLACE returns char with every occurrence of search-string replaced with replacement-string.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The SQL Programming Language | 70 | 2009 | Database | Nirmala |
2 | Foundations Of Sql Server 2008 | 200 | 2013 | Optimization | Hanumanthan |
3 | MySQL: The Complete Reference | 165 | 2011 | Security | Vidyavathi |
4 | Oracle Concurrency | 160 | 2006 | Security | Rishi Keshan |
The ROUND function returns a number that is rounded to the specified number of places to the right or left of the decimal place.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Simply MySql | 168.27 | 2015 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
2 | Database Management | 115 | 2009 | Performance | Azaghu Varshith |
3 | SQL Pocket Guide | 90 | 2011 | Database | Balan |
4 | Complete Guide To No-SQL | 195 | 2007 | Optimization | Padmavathi |
The SQL SQRT Function is one of the Mathematical Function which is used to find the square root of the specified expression or numeric value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Pro MySql Administration | 165 | 2014 | Security | Harish Karthik |
2 | MySql for professionals | 205 | 2009 | Administration | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server | 125 | 2007 | Programming | Hanumanthan |
4 | Getting Started With SQL | 168.27 | 2014 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
The SQL SELECT COUNT, SUM, and AVG syntax. The general COUNT syntax is: SELECT COUNT(column-name); FROM table-name.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 190 | 2011 | Programming | Padmavathi |
2 | Making Sense Of SQL | 65 | 2009 | Administration | Bala Murugan |
3 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 199.97 | 2015 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
4 | Securing MySql | 185 | 2007 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
Group by clause is used to group the results of a SELECT query based on one or more columns. It is also used with SQL functions to group the result from one or more tables.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Pro SQL Azure | 70 | 2014 | Security | Geetha |
2 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 84.22 | 2008 | Administration | Nirmala |
3 | Practical SQL | 71.87 | 2010 | Optimization | Pandurengan |
4 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 145 | 2006 | Performance | Padmavathi |
The SQL HAVING clause is used in combination with the GROUP BY clause to restrict the groups of returned rows to only those whose the condition is TRUE.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Professional MySql | 99.99 | 2006 | Database | Ramanathan |
2 | Practical SQL | 190 | 2008 | Security | Azaghu Varshith |
3 | Beginning SQL Queries | 136.33 | 2006 | Administration | Ranjani Mai |
4 | Art Of SQL | 165 | 2012 | Performance | Geetha |
To accommodate this, SQL allows the use of the IN operator. In SQL, there are two uses of the IN keyword, and this section introduces the one that is related to or operator.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Transact SQL Cookbook | 130 | 2008 | Programming | Keshavan |
2 | Making Sense Of SQL | 99.99 | 2010 | Programming | Harish Karthik |
3 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 60 | 2008 | Administration | Ramanathan |
4 | Art Of SQL | 160 | 2008 | Optimization | Sakunthala |
The INNER JOIN selects all rows from both participating tables as long as there is a match between the columns.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 71.87 | 2006 | Database | Chandra |
2 | Oracle Concurrency | 195 | 2008 | Performance | Keshavan |
3 | Pro Oracle SQL | 136.33 | 2010 | Database | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | Simply Oracle | 199.97 | 2008 | Programming | Harish Karthik |
You can use a select-statement within an INSERT statement to insert zero, one, or more rows into a table from the result table of the select-statement.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Simply Oracle | 190 | 2012 | Optimization | Varshini Kutty |
2 | MySql Database Internals | 95 | 2015 | Programming | Dharan |
3 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 105 | 2010 | Programming | Nirmala |
4 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 170 | 2011 | Administration | Keshavan |
SQL insert into select query with sql, tutorial, examples, insert, update, delete, select, join, database, table, join.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Jump Start MySQL | 70 | 2015 | Database | Vidyavathi |
2 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 84.22 | 2014 | Database | Bala Murugan |
3 | Programming With MySQL | 90 | 2006 | Database | Geetha |
4 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 60 | 2015 | Optimization | Ramanathan |
A LEFT OUTER JOIN is one of the JOIN operations that allow you to specify a join clause. It preserves the unmatched rows from the first (left) table, joining them into roght table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 140 | 2008 | Programming | Chandra |
2 | The Complete Guide to SQL | 170 | 2013 | Optimization | Bala Murugan |
3 | SQL Server Fundamentals | 60 | 2014 | Database | Sakunthala |
4 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 205 | 2007 | Performance | Rishi Keshan |
The SQL LIKE condition allows you to use wildcards to perform pattern matching in a query. The LIKE condition is used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Postgre Sql Server Programming | 160 | 2010 | Security | Nirmala |
2 | SQL and Relational Theory | 90 | 2014 | Administration | Rishi Keshan |
3 | Understanding the New SQL | 115 | 2010 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | SQL in a Nutshell | 65 | 2009 | Security | Vidyavathi |
Adds a not-null constraint to an existing table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Sql Server Concurrency | 84.22 | 2014 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 178.69 | 2013 | Security | Rishi Keshan |
3 | Simply SQL | 90 | 2012 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
4 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 175 | 2011 | Administration | Geetha |
Order by clause is used with Select statement for arranging retrieved data in sorted order. The Order by clause by default sort data in ascending order.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Foundations Of Sql Server 2008 | 70 | 2010 | Administration | Ranjani Mai |
2 | Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL | 130 | 2015 | Database | Bala Murugan |
3 | SQL and Relational Theory | 160 | 2015 | Administration | Ramanathan |
4 | SQL Made Simple... By Examples | 178.69 | 2010 | Programming | Hari Krishnan |
Now the only problem with this SQL CREATE TABLE statement is that you have not defined a primary key for the table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 100 | 2007 | Security | Geetha |
2 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 105 | 2009 | Optimization | Pandurengan |
3 | Securing Oracle | 130 | 2014 | Administration | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 95 | 2012 | Security | Azaghu Varshith |
SQL Server uses the following ISO keywords for outer joins specified in a FROM clause: ... Here is the Transact-SQL query and results of the right outer join.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 170 | 2010 | Administration | Sakunthala |
2 | Easy Oracle PL/SQL Programming | 80 | 2008 | Optimization | Ranjani Mai |
3 | Professional MySql | 168.27 | 2009 | Performance | Sakunthala |
4 | SQL for students | 90 | 2008 | Security | Geetha |
SELECT can also be used to retrieve rows computed without reference to any table. In general, clauses used must be given in exactly the order shown in the syntax description.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 | 155 | 2006 | Administration | Devi Mai |
2 | Professional Oracle | 160 | 2012 | Optimization | Nirmala |
3 | Securing MySql | 120 | 2015 | Optimization | Bala Murugan |
4 | Simply SQL Server | 150 | 2013 | Programming | Keshavan |
Limits the rows returned in a query result set to a specified number of rows or percentage of rows in SQL Server 2016. When TOP is used in conjunction with the other table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 136.33 | 2009 | Administration | Vidyavathi |
2 | SQL Design Patterns | 100 | 2010 | Performance | Nirmala |
3 | Oracle All-in-One For Dummies | 123.45 | 2013 | Administration | Hari Krishnan |
4 | SQL in Easy Steps | 120 | 2009 | Optimization | Rishi Keshan |
You can combine multiple queries using the set operators UNION , UNION ALL , INTERSECT, and MINUS . All set operators have equal precedence.
difference between union and union all
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Practical SQL Handbook | 65 | 2006 | Administration | Hari Krishnan |
2 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 199.97 | 2013 | Optimization | Ramanathan |
3 | Pro MySql Administration | 200 | 2012 | Performance | Vidyavathi |
4 | Database Systems Using Oracle | 190 | 2012 | Security | Geetha |
It is possible to put UNIQUE constraints on nullable columns but the SQL standard states that the constraint does not support duplicate values.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The SQL Programming Language | 130 | 2009 | Performance | Rishi Keshan |
2 | The Complete Guide to SQL | 175 | 2012 | Performance | Ramanathan |
3 | Oracle Cookbook | 190 | 2015 | Administration | Varshini Kutty |
4 | Easy Oracle PL/SQL Programming | 95 | 2015 | Performance | Hari Krishnan |
For the single-table syntax, the UPDATE statement updates columns of existing rows in the named table with new values. The SET clause indicates which columns to modify and the values they should be given.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Fundamentals | 200 | 2013 | Optimization | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | Simply SQL Server | 120 | 2011 | Administration | Nirmala |
3 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 170 | 2007 | Administration | Varshini Kutty |
4 | MySql Interview Questions | 205 | 2008 | Performance | Bala Murugan |
Only when the SQL where clause condition is processed, the database will return a value from the table specified by filtering the entries (records in the table).
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Pro MySql Administration | 136.33 | 2015 | Database | Hanumanthan |
2 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 80 | 2008 | Administration | Rishi Keshan |
3 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 100 | 2011 | Database | Sakunthala |
4 | Head First SQL | 180 | 2010 | Administration | Ramanathan |
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