An alias is a feature of SQL that is supported by most, if not all, relational database management systems (RDBMSs). Aliases provide database administrators to understand easily.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | 136.33 | 2010 | Programming | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | SQL Server 2008 Transact-Sql | 165 | 2009 | Programming | Devi Mai |
3 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 75 | 2012 | Performance | Balan |
4 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 99.99 | 2009 | Security | Nirmala |
This topic describes how to add new columns to a table in SQL Server 2016 by using SQL Server. For more information, see ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL).
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 105 | 2014 | Security | Hanumanthan |
2 | SQL Made Simple... By Examples | 65 | 2011 | Optimization | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Pro Oracle Administration | 170 | 2009 | Security | Padmavathi |
4 | Database Systems Using Oracle | 155 | 2014 | Database | Padmavathi |
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the AND condition and the OR condition together in a single query with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Fundamentals | 175 | 2007 | Administration | Balan |
2 | My SQL Complete Reference | 80 | 2014 | Administration | Geetha |
3 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 155 | 2008 | Optimization | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Teach Yourself SQL | 168.27 | 2014 | Programming | Harish Karthik |
You can retrieve the most recent automatically generated AUTO-INCREMENT value with the LAST-INSERT-ID() SQL function or the mysql-insert-id() C API.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Jump Start MySQL | 140 | 2013 | Programming | Dharan |
2 | MySQL Cookbook | 168.27 | 2013 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
3 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 100 | 2010 | Programming | Keshavan |
4 | Teach Yourself SQL | 80 | 2012 | Programming | Dharan |
If the BETWEEN expression appears in PL/SQL, expr1 is guaranteed to be evaluated only once. The boolean operator AND may produce unexpected results.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 84.22 | 2006 | Performance | Bala Murugan |
2 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 100 | 2010 | Security | Azaghu Varshith |
3 | Pro MySql Administration | 200 | 2007 | Database | Geetha |
4 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 165 | 2009 | Optimization | Vinoth Kumar |
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the check constraints in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 120 | 2014 | Administration | Varshini Kutty |
2 | SQL Server Database Internals | 125 | 2009 | Performance | Ramanathan |
3 | Troubleshooting MYSQL | 130 | 2015 | Database | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 | 168.27 | 2012 | Database | Azaghu Varshith |
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the CREATE TABLE statement in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | From Access To SQL Server | 180 | 2012 | Optimization | Keshavan |
2 | SQL Server 2008 Transact-Sql | 175 | 2008 | Programming | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Sql Server Concurrency | 150 | 2011 | Optimization | Nirmala |
4 | MySql Interview Questions | 199.97 | 2008 | Performance | Bala Murugan |
The DEFAULT constraint provides a default value to a column when the INSERT record does not contain a value for specified column.
alter table alter column default
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Programming With Oracle | 60 | 2015 | Database | Pandurengan |
2 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 115 | 2006 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Pro SQL Azure | 130 | 2013 | Performance | Hari Krishnan |
4 | Natural language Query To SQL | 155 | 2011 | Performance | Hanumanthan |
In the database structured query language (SQL), the DELETE statement removes one or more records from a table. A subset may be defined for deletion using a condition, otherwise all records are removed.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Complete Guide To No-SQL | 84.22 | 2011 | Database | Rishi Keshan |
2 | Oracle Concurrency | 136.33 | 2012 | Performance | Dharan |
3 | From Access To SQL Server | 140 | 2006 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
4 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 195 | 2011 | Security | Hari Krishnan |
The DISTINCT clause in your result set will listed after the DISTINCT keyword, and therefore returns unique combinations.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Database Language SQL | 150 | 2010 | Security | Siva Kumar |
2 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 165 | 2006 | Security | Harish Karthik |
3 | SQL Server 2008 Transact-Sql | 160 | 2011 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | The Complete Guide to MySql | 130 | 2015 | Administration | Bala Murugan |
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use Foreign Keys in SQL Server with syntax and examples. A foreign key is a way to enforce referential integrity within table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server Fundamentals | 178.69 | 2014 | Administration | Harish Karthik |
2 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 105 | 2015 | Programming | Azaghu Varshith |
3 | The Complete Guide to SQL Server | 140 | 2013 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Troubleshooting MYSQL | 160 | 2014 | Performance | Sakunthala |
The SQL FULL JOIN statement with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Practical SQL | 60 | 2011 | Administration | Balan |
2 | MySQL Cookbook | 71.87 | 2008 | Programming | Harish Karthik |
3 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 65 | 2009 | Programming | Siva Kumar |
4 | MySql Concurrency | 84.22 | 2015 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the ABS function returns the absolute value of a number.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Simply SQL | 199.97 | 2006 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 160 | 2013 | Database | Siva Kumar |
3 | SQL in Easy Steps | 115 | 2014 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
4 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 155 | 2014 | Performance | Sakunthala |
Applies the aggregate function to all values. ALL is the default. DISTINCT Specifies that AVG be performed only on each unique instance of a value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 115 | 2010 | Administration | Bala Murugan |
2 | Oracle Interview Questions | 100 | 2011 | Optimization | Siva Kumar |
3 | Oracle Database 11G New Features | 71.87 | 2010 | Performance | Dharan |
4 | Easy Oracle PL/SQL Programming | 160 | 2014 | Administration | Siva Kumar |
This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle / PLSQL CEIL function with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Sql Server Cookbook | 195 | 2013 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
2 | MySql Database Internals | 145 | 2013 | Optimization | Hari Krishnan |
3 | Pro MySql Administration | 190 | 2012 | Performance | Keshavan |
4 | Simply SQL | 80 | 2010 | Performance | Ranjani Mai |
In SQL Server, you can use CHARINDEX function that allows you to specify the start position, but not the occurrence, or you can use a user-defined function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Transact SQL Cookbook | 123.45 | 2010 | Performance | Pandurengan |
2 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 175 | 2013 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
3 | MySql Fundamentals | 145 | 2008 | Administration | Harish Karthik |
4 | Getting Started With SQL | 135 | 2013 | Security | Vidyavathi |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains the Concatenate function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 199.97 | 2012 | Optimization | Hari Krishnan |
2 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 95 | 2014 | Security | Hari Krishnan |
3 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 200 | 2014 | Programming | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | My SQL Complete Reference | 185 | 2015 | Database | Hari Krishnan |
SQL SELECT DISTINCT with COUNT on ROWS or on one columns.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming | 115 | 2015 | Database | Rishi Keshan |
2 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 95 | 2006 | Database | Devi Mai |
3 | Simply SQL | 80 | 2012 | Security | Pandurengan |
4 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 185 | 2008 | Security | Bala Murugan |
In Access, the DateAdd function Adds a specified time interval to a date.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Interview Questions | 185 | 2008 | Programming | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 165 | 2011 | Database | Sakunthala |
3 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 155 | 2008 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
4 | Natural language Query To SQL | 178.69 | 2010 | Programming | Hanumanthan |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains the DATEDIFF function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Head First SQL | 65 | 2011 | Programming | Hanumanthan |
2 | Oracle Interview Questions | 110 | 2010 | Optimization | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Understanding the New SQL | 130 | 2010 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
4 | Sql Server Interview Questions | 190 | 2008 | Programming | Nirmala |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains the DATEPART function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Fundamentals | 105 | 2008 | Database | Hari Krishnan |
2 | Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL | 195 | 2015 | Database | Dharan |
3 | MySql for professionals | 60 | 2014 | Administration | Balan |
4 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 125 | 2012 | Security | Geetha |
The FLOOR function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the ... Using Mathematical Functions (Transact-SQL) Comparing CEILING and FLOOR.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Design Patterns | 165 | 2011 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 185 | 2011 | Performance | Sakunthala |
3 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 136.33 | 2008 | Performance | Hanumanthan |
4 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 190 | 2007 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
SQL MAX function is used to find out the record with maximum value among a record set.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle All-in-One For Dummies | 150 | 2007 | Programming | Ranjani Mai |
2 | Practical SQL | 75 | 2010 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
3 | SQL Server Database Internals | 95 | 2009 | Security | Dharan |
4 | Oracle Database 11G New Features | 100 | 2012 | Programming | Hari Krishnan |
The MID() function is used to extract values from a column. The MID() contain three (3) parameters.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 123.45 | 2010 | Security | Padmavathi |
2 | Oracle Database Internals | 199.97 | 2015 | Security | Ramanathan |
3 | Art Of SQL | 99.99 | 2009 | Programming | Keshavan |
4 | SQL Design Patterns | 125 | 2010 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the MIN function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL All-in-One For Dummies | 168.27 | 2007 | Security | Sakunthala |
2 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 180 | 2008 | Security | Geetha |
3 | Securing MySql | 135 | 2015 | Database | Keshavan |
4 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 136.33 | 2007 | Database | Ramanathan |
The function requires no arguments. In distributed SQL statements, this function returns the date and time set for the operating system of your local database.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Simply MySql | 125 | 2010 | Administration | Dharan |
2 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 120 | 2006 | Programming | Geetha |
3 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 110 | 2007 | Database | Padmavathi |
4 | Oracle Database 11G New Features | 145 | 2010 | Database | Rishi Keshan |
The RAND function returns a random floating-point value between 0 and 1. An argument can be specified as an optional seed value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Jump Start MySQL | 195 | 2013 | Administration | Varshini Kutty |
2 | Pro Oracle SQL | 65 | 2015 | Database | Ramanathan |
3 | Teach Yourself SQL | 90 | 2009 | Optimization | Balan |
4 | The Database Language SQL | 70 | 2012 | Programming | Devi Mai |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains the REPLACE function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Simply SQL | 136.33 | 2010 | Administration | Chandra |
2 | The SQL Programming Language | 195 | 2008 | Database | Geetha |
3 | Oracle Cookbook | 205 | 2015 | Performance | Chandra |
4 | SQL Server Fundamentals | 170 | 2009 | Administration | Dharan |
The SQL ROUND() function rounds a number to a precision.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 60 | 2012 | Performance | Nirmala |
2 | Oracle Interview Questions | 115 | 2009 | Administration | Balan |
3 | MySql Fundamentals | 75 | 2011 | Security | Pandurengan |
4 | PHP And MySQL Bible | 178.69 | 2011 | Programming | Keshavan |
This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle / PLSQL SQRT function with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 130 | 2006 | Optimization | Siva Kumar |
2 | MySql Concurrency | 168.27 | 2008 | Security | Chandra |
3 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 71.87 | 2013 | Security | Geetha |
4 | The Database Language SQL | 140 | 2014 | Programming | Nirmala |
Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database SUM ( [ ALL | DISTINCT ] ... The following examples shows using the SUM function to return summary data.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Professional MySql | 155 | 2008 | Database | Harish Karthik |
2 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 160 | 2009 | Database | Keshavan |
3 | Simply MySql | 105 | 2008 | Database | Ramanathan |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 60 | 2015 | Performance | Geetha |
The GROUP BY clause will gather all of the rows together that contain data in the specified column(s) and will allow aggregate functions to be performed on the grouped data.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL and Relational Theory | 178.69 | 2011 | Programming | Ranjani Mai |
2 | From Access To SQL Server | 105 | 2007 | Optimization | Padmavathi |
3 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 80 | 2010 | Database | Nirmala |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 | 115 | 2008 | Database | Keshavan |
The WHERE clause places conditions on the selected columns, whereas the HAVING clause places conditions on groups created by the GROUP BY clause.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql for professionals | 200 | 2010 | Security | Siva Kumar |
2 | Securing Oracle | 115 | 2011 | Administration | Siva Kumar |
3 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 199.97 | 2011 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
4 | MySql Concurrency | 85 | 2008 | Performance | Sakunthala |
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQL IN condition with syntax and examples. The SQL IN condition (sometimes called the IN operator) allows you to select a value from a list.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Getting Started With SQL | 70 | 2012 | Programming | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | MySql Concurrency | 90 | 2009 | Security | Pandurengan |
3 | Professional Oracle | 105 | 2012 | Database | Keshavan |
4 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 200 | 2013 | Performance | Varshini Kutty |
An inner join is a join in which the values in the columns being joined are compared using a ... The following Transact-SQL query is an example of an inner join
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Understanding the New SQL | 195 | 2009 | Performance | Sakunthala |
2 | Simply SQL | 95 | 2006 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
3 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 90 | 2010 | Administration | Sakunthala |
4 | MySql Database Internals | 200 | 2006 | Performance | Keshavan |
For a full description of the INSERT statement, see Oracle Database SQL Reference. You can retrieve the column values into variables or into collections.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySQL Cookbook | 75 | 2013 | Optimization | Rishi Keshan |
2 | SQL in Easy Steps | 136.33 | 2015 | Database | Keshavan |
3 | SQL Server Database Internals | 65 | 2012 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 120 | 2008 | Optimization | Ramanathan |
INSERT INTO SQL Server table with SELECT command ... In some of our earlier examples we used the a SELECT statement to verify the results of the INSERT statement.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Interview Questions | 60 | 2008 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
2 | SQL Functions Reference | 135 | 2013 | Administration | Pandurengan |
3 | SQL: The Complete Reference | 175 | 2007 | Optimization | Keshavan |
4 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 136.33 | 2014 | Programming | Padmavathi |
MySQL implements an A LEFT JOIN B join-condition as follows: ... The LEFT JOIN condition is used to decide how to retrieve rows from table B . (In other words, any condition in the WHERE clause is not used.).
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 60 | 2009 | Optimization | Ramanathan |
2 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server | 180 | 2011 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Securing Oracle | 65 | 2014 | Optimization | Nirmala |
4 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 100 | 2006 | Administration | Devi Mai |
Using wildcard characters makes the LIKE operator more flexible than using the = and ... If any one of the arguments is not of character string data type, the SQL.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 71.87 | 2011 | Security | Balan |
2 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 123.45 | 2013 | Security | Hanumanthan |
3 | MySQL: The Complete Reference | 75 | 2012 | Database | Dharan |
4 | Jump Start MySQL | 205 | 2015 | Performance | Geetha |
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. open .... A primary key constraint combines a NOT NULL constraint and a unique constraint in a single declaration.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | My SQL Complete Reference | 178.69 | 2007 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | MySql All-in-One For Dummies | 135 | 2008 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
3 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 165 | 2012 | Performance | Sakunthala |
4 | Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL | 170 | 2012 | Programming | Dharan |
SELECT returns records in no particular order. To ensure a specific order use the ORDER BY clause. ORDER BY allows sorting by one or more columns.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 140 | 2006 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | Pro Oracle SQL | 75 | 2013 | Performance | Devi Mai |
3 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 110 | 2009 | Performance | Harish Karthik |
4 | Advanced SQL Programming | 175 | 2010 | Security | Vidyavathi |
Learn how to create, change, drop, disable, and enable a primary key in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 125 | 2012 | Performance | Devi Mai |
2 | Programming With MySQL | 105 | 2011 | Performance | Chandra |
3 | Professional Oracle | 190 | 2006 | Performance | Hari Krishnan |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | 165 | 2010 | Database | Bala Murugan |
A RIGHT OUTER JOIN is one of the JOIN operations that allow you to specify a JOIN clause. It preserves the unmatched rows from the second (right) table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Understanding the New SQL | 71.87 | 2006 | Performance | Keshavan |
2 | Professional MySql | 150 | 2014 | Administration | Devi Mai |
3 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 205 | 2007 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
4 | Learing Sql Server T-Sql | 178.69 | 2010 | Security | Padmavathi |
The SELECT clause specifies a list of properties (columns) by name, or the wildcard character (“*”) to mean “all properties”. Notice the special case of join propname, this provides for joins, but only on the column, as Database View.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Head First SQL | 75 | 2009 | Database | Pandurengan |
2 | MySql Concurrency | 70 | 2015 | Programming | Azaghu Varshith |
3 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 85 | 2012 | Database | Sakunthala |
4 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 155 | 2006 | Database | Siva Kumar |
The SELECT TOP statement returns a specified number of records. SELECT TOP is useful when working with very large datasets.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Sql Server Interview Questions | 105 | 2015 | Optimization | Dharan |
2 | MySQL: The Complete Reference | 200 | 2008 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
3 | Simply SQL Server | 190 | 2009 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
4 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 90 | 2008 | Administration | Devi Mai |
The UNION operation is different from using joins that combine columns from two ... Syntax for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Concurrency | 135 | 2012 | Performance | Vidyavathi |
2 | Head First SQL Brain On SQL | 145 | 2011 | Programming | Dharan |
3 | MySql All-in-One For Dummies | 115 | 2015 | Performance | Ranjani Mai |
4 | SQL Server Database Internals | 70 | 2015 | Programming | Keshavan |
SQL UNIQUE constraint check column value must be unique across the given field in table. Primary key characteristics automatic include UNIQUE key constraint.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Teach Yourself SQL | 125 | 2013 | Database | Balan |
2 | SQL Fundamentals | 205 | 2008 | Optimization | Pandurengan |
3 | Oracle Database Internals | 150 | 2012 | Administration | Dharan |
4 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 170 | 2011 | Administration | Vidyavathi |
For the UPDATE to be successful, the user must have data manipulation privileges (UPDATE privilege) on the table or column and the updated value must not conflict with all the applicable constraints (such as primary keys, unique indexes, CHECK constraints, and NOT NULL constraints).
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server Database Internals | 185 | 2014 | Optimization | Padmavathi |
2 | Oracle Cookbook | 75 | 2014 | Administration | Bala Murugan |
3 | SQL Server 2008 Transact-Sql | 165 | 2010 | Programming | Geetha |
4 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 130 | 2009 | Programming | Balan |
WHERE is an SQL reserved word. SQL Where clause is basically used to fetch the data from a particular table or multiple tables by joining tables.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Teach Yourself SQL | 70 | 2009 | Performance | Hanumanthan |
2 | MySql for professionals | 165 | 2015 | Database | Rishi Keshan |
3 | SQL Server 2008 Transact-Sql | 135 | 2008 | Security | Vidyavathi |
4 | The SQL Programming Language | 195 | 2011 | Optimization | Devi Mai |
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