An Alias is a shorthand for a table or column name. Aliases reduce the amount of typing required to enter a query. Complex queries with aliases are generally will make easy readable.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 120 | 2015 | Programming | Keshavan |
2 | PHP And MySQL Bible | 136.33 | 2010 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Postgresql Official Documentation | 178.69 | 2008 | Performance | Keshavan |
4 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 70 | 2011 | Optimization | Rishi Keshan |
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQL ALTER TABLE statement to add a column, modify a column, drop a column, rename a column or rename a table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | My SQL Complete Reference | 105 | 2011 | Database | Sakunthala |
2 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 145 | 2006 | Programming | Ramanathan |
3 | Simply Oracle | 136.33 | 2008 | Security | Padmavathi |
4 | MySql Database Internals | 110 | 2007 | Optimization | Siva Kumar |
The basic syntax of AND operator with WHERE clause is as follows: ... You can combine N number of conditions using AND operator.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Complete Guide to SQL | 135 | 2008 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
2 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 85 | 2008 | Programming | Geetha |
3 | SQL Fundamentals | 155 | 2014 | Programming | Balan |
4 | Pro Oracle Administration | 99.99 | 2014 | Programming | Ramanathan |
SQL AUTO INCREMENT Field: Auto generating values for a column, AUTO INCREMENT field: table primary key needs to be created automatically.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Database Internals | 205 | 2011 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
2 | Beginning SQL Queries | 178.69 | 2007 | Database | Ramanathan |
3 | MySql Concurrency | 130 | 2006 | Programming | Chandra |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | 135 | 2006 | Programming | Rishi Keshan |
The SQL BETWEEN operator tests an expression against a range. The range consists of a beginning, followed by an AND keyword and an end value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible | 125 | 2010 | Administration | Vidyavathi |
2 | Programming With Oracle | 160 | 2012 | Optimization | Hari Krishnan |
3 | Simply SQL Server | 155 | 2014 | Programming | Pandurengan |
4 | My SQL Complete Reference | 75 | 2007 | Security | Keshavan |
CHECK constraints enforce domain integrity by limiting the values that are accepted by one or more columns.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Database Language SQL | 75 | 2011 | Database | Keshavan |
2 | SQL Pocket Guide | 170 | 2008 | Security | Ranjani Mai |
3 | Securing Oracle | 123.45 | 2008 | Security | Pandurengan |
4 | Foundations Of Sql Server 2008 | 60 | 2007 | Security | Nirmala |
Creating Tables; basic use of the CREATE TABLE statement. From SQLCourse.com: an interactive online training course for SQL beginners.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Server 2012 Black Book | 205 | 2010 | Performance | Hari Krishnan |
2 | Securing Oracle | 135 | 2011 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
3 | SQL Server Fundamentals | 130 | 2012 | Programming | Balan |
4 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 125 | 2010 | Administration | Harish Karthik |
You can specify a default value that will be entered in the column in SQL Server 2016 by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Getting Started With SQL | 168.27 | 2013 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
2 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 150 | 2014 | Programming | Geetha |
3 | The Complete Guide to MySql | 115 | 2007 | Performance | Nirmala |
4 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 90 | 2012 | Database | Sakunthala |
The following example shows the Transact-SQL extension used to delete records from a base table that is based on a join or correlated subquery.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL for students | 125 | 2006 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
2 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 95 | 2013 | Database | Geetha |
3 | SQL Design Patterns | 90 | 2009 | Administration | Hari Krishnan |
4 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 60 | 2009 | Programming | Balan |
So when using the DISTINCT clause in your SQL statement, your result set will ... listed after the DISTINCT keyword, and therefore returns distinct combinations.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 110 | 2012 | Optimization | Geetha |
2 | SQL Design Patterns | 200 | 2008 | Optimization | Padmavathi |
3 | Programming With MySQL | 100 | 2009 | Programming | Hari Krishnan |
4 | Transact SQL Cookbook | 85 | 2010 | Database | Geetha |
The essential syntax for a foreign key constraint definition in a CREATE table statement.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 175 | 2010 | Security | Pandurengan |
2 | Jump Start MySQL | 115 | 2015 | Programming | Keshavan |
3 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 168.27 | 2015 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
4 | From Access To SQL Server | 160 | 2011 | Administration | Ranjani Mai |
The SQL FULL JOIN syntax. The general syntax is: SELECT column-names; FROM table-name1 FULL JOIN table-name2; ON column-name1 = column-name2
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Programming With MySQL | 205 | 2007 | Programming | Dharan |
2 | Database Systems Using Oracle | 60 | 2008 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
3 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 135 | 2007 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Head First SQL Brain On SQL | 185 | 2007 | Database | Ramanathan |
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the ABS function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Query Performance Tuning | 80 | 2010 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
2 | Oracle Cookbook | 190 | 2006 | Database | Keshavan |
3 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 120 | 2013 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
4 | Programming With MySQL | 185 | 2015 | Security | Hanumanthan |
The SQL AVG function is used to return the average of an expression in a SELECT statement.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Concurrency | 205 | 2012 | Security | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | My SQL Complete Reference | 60 | 2010 | Programming | Ramanathan |
3 | Programming With Sql Server T-Sql | 136.33 | 2015 | Programming | Siva Kumar |
4 | Simply SQL | 90 | 2009 | Database | Vidyavathi |
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the CEILING function returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to a number.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Fundamentals | 175 | 2015 | Performance | Balan |
2 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 71.87 | 2006 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
3 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 145 | 2006 | Security | Dharan |
4 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 85 | 2012 | Performance | Nirmala |
The primary use of an SQL Server CHARINDEX function is to find the first or starting location of an expression or characters in a given string.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | My SQL Complete Reference | 95 | 2015 | Programming | Balan |
2 | Learing Oracle SQL & Pl/sql | 180 | 2011 | Programming | Keshavan |
3 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server | 165 | 2014 | Security | Bala Murugan |
4 | MySQL Cookbook | 90 | 2006 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the CONCAT function allows you to concatenate strings together.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Database 11G New Features | 80 | 2011 | Programming | Vinoth Kumar |
2 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 100 | 2006 | Database | Devi Mai |
3 | Database Systems Using Oracle | 175 | 2014 | Database | Harish Karthik |
4 | Programming With MySQL | 130 | 2012 | Security | Sakunthala |
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQL COUNT function with syntax, examples, and practice exercises.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Programming With Sql Server T-Sql | 150 | 2014 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
2 | MySql Fundamentals | 84.22 | 2015 | Optimization | Ranjani Mai |
3 | Simply SQL Server | 199.97 | 2013 | Database | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | MySql Concurrency | 205 | 2011 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
MySQL DATE-ADD() adds time values (as intervals) to a date value. ... Presentation. Pictorial Presentation of MySQL DATE-ADD() function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Functions Reference | 70 | 2013 | Performance | Bala Murugan |
2 | Programming With Oracle | 170 | 2009 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
3 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 178.69 | 2015 | Administration | Geetha |
4 | Database Systems Using Oracle | 195 | 2009 | Optimization | Ramanathan |
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the DATEDIFF function returns the difference between two date values, based on the interval specified.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 95 | 2006 | Optimization | Varshini Kutty |
2 | Oracle All-in-One For Dummies | 150 | 2007 | Administration | Sakunthala |
3 | Oracle Database Internals | 140 | 2012 | Administration | Bala Murugan |
4 | Securing SQL Server | 199.97 | 2015 | Administration | Vinoth Kumar |
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the DATEPART function returns a specified part of a given date, as an integer value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Simply SQL | 160 | 2009 | Database | Vidyavathi |
2 | MySql Database Internals | 178.69 | 2009 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
3 | SQL Design Patterns | 99.99 | 2012 | Administration | Ranjani Mai |
4 | Oracle PL/sql By Example | 145 | 2007 | Database | Chandra |
Transact-SQL Reference (Database Engine) Built-in Functions ... shows positive numeric, negative numeric, and currency values with the FLOOR function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Functions Reference | 84.22 | 2006 | Database | Azaghu Varshith |
2 | Oracle Database 11G New Features | 185 | 2014 | Administration | Geetha |
3 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 120 | 2012 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Getting Started With SQL | 123.45 | 2006 | Optimization | Keshavan |
Because you have listed one column in your SQL SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the MAX function, you must use the SQL GROUP BY clause.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | PHP And MySQL Bible | 123.45 | 2008 | Programming | Rishi Keshan |
2 | Oracle: The Complete Reference | 195 | 2011 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
3 | Head First SQL Brain On SQL | 99.99 | 2007 | Security | Dharan |
4 | The SQL Programming Language | 70 | 2006 | Database | Azaghu Varshith |
MySQL SUBSTRING() returns a specified number of characters from a particular position of a given string.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Teach Yourself SQL | 135 | 2007 | Administration | Siva Kumar |
2 | How to Write Accurate SQL Code | 99.99 | 2007 | Programming | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Oracle Query Performance Tuning | 80 | 2010 | Optimization | Rishi Keshan |
4 | SQL Server Database Internals | 178.69 | 2009 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
SQL - MIN Function. SQL MIN function is used to find out the record with minimum value among a record set.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Design Patterns | 120 | 2013 | Administration | Ranjani Mai |
2 | Jump Start MySQL | 130 | 2013 | Database | Dharan |
3 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 165 | 2013 | Security | Rishi Keshan |
4 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 205 | 2009 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
This tutorial shows you how to apply MySQL NOW() function that returns the current date and time.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Programming & Database Design | 190 | 2015 | Administration | Vidyavathi |
2 | Simply MySql | 90 | 2013 | Performance | Keshavan |
3 | The Complete Guide to MySql | 125 | 2013 | Security | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Postgresql Official Documentation | 130 | 2011 | Administration | Rishi Keshan |
Generate Random Numbers. SQL Server has a built-in function that generates a random number, the RAND() mathematical function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Natural language Query To SQL | 99.99 | 2008 | Optimization | Geetha |
2 | Practical SQL | 180 | 2012 | Security | Siva Kumar |
3 | SQL Visual Quickstart | 70 | 2009 | Security | Balan |
4 | Jump Start MySQL | 71.87 | 2015 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
The Oracle/PLSQL REPLACE function replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Understanding the New SQL | 130 | 2008 | Programming | Geetha |
2 | Sql Server T-sql By Example | 85 | 2007 | Performance | Chandra |
3 | Learing Oracle SQL & Pl/sql | 110 | 2006 | Administration | Dharan |
4 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 155 | 2013 | Administration | Ranjani Mai |
The 1Keydata SQL Tutorial teaches beginners the building blocks of SQL. This section explains the ROUND function.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Learing Oracle SQL & Pl/sql | 155 | 2010 | Administration | Hari Krishnan |
2 | MySql Database Internals | 136.33 | 2008 | Performance | Siva Kumar |
3 | MySql Concurrency | 195 | 2006 | Programming | Varshini Kutty |
4 | Securing SQL Server | 65 | 2015 | Security | Chandra |
SQL SQRT() function: SQL SQRT() returns the square root of a given value in the argument.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Concurrency | 123.45 | 2014 | Programming | Chandra |
2 | SQL Server All-in-One For Dummies | 110 | 2013 | Performance | Sakunthala |
3 | The Complete Guide to Oracle | 200 | 2014 | Performance | Ramanathan |
4 | Oracle Database Internals | 130 | 2012 | Optimization | Vidyavathi |
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the SUM function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | MySql Fundamentals | 85 | 2010 | Database | Geetha |
2 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 185 | 2012 | Database | Balan |
3 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 75 | 2012 | Database | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Access 2010 Pure Sql | 180 | 2013 | Administration | Balan |
The GROUP BY clause groups records into summary rows. GROUP BY returns one records for each group. GROUP BY typically also involves aggregates.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL in a Nutshell | 205 | 2006 | Optimization | Nirmala |
2 | Programming With Oracle | 185 | 2007 | Programming | Siva Kumar |
3 | SQL Server Database Internals | 200 | 2014 | Performance | Hari Krishnan |
4 | Oracle All-in-One For Dummies | 155 | 2011 | Optimization | Siva Kumar |
The HAVING clause enables you to specify conditions that filter which group results appear in the final results.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | The Complete Guide to SQL | 190 | 2012 | Performance | Harish Karthik |
2 | Sql Server Interview Questions | 105 | 2012 | Database | Nirmala |
3 | Art Of SQL | 178.69 | 2008 | Database | Hari Krishnan |
4 | Head First SQL | 75 | 2010 | Optimization | Vinoth Kumar |
The sql IN operator is really a set values test operator.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Art Of SQL | 110 | 2012 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
2 | MySql Database Internals | 199.97 | 2007 | Performance | Sakunthala |
3 | Oracle Cookbook | 120 | 2015 | Database | Sakunthala |
4 | Oracle All-in-One For Dummies | 160 | 2008 | Database | Geetha |
SQL JOIN Syntax and Differences, 3 tables. ... INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN; the keyword INNER is optional.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Professional MySql | 80 | 2009 | Administration | Devi Mai |
2 | Head First SQL | 200 | 2006 | Optimization | Hanumanthan |
3 | Practical SQL | 85 | 2015 | Database | Ranjani Mai |
4 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 175 | 2009 | Administration | Rishi Keshan |
SQL has the INSERT command that is used to store data into a table. The INSERT command creates a new row in the table.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | A Visual Introduction To Sql | 105 | 2008 | Administration | Balan |
2 | Practical SQL | 170 | 2006 | Programming | Keshavan |
3 | Advanced SQL Programming | 84.22 | 2011 | Database | Rishi Keshan |
4 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 80 | 2010 | Security | Balan |
When selecting from and inserting into a table at the same time, MySQL creates a ..... Despite many years of SQL experience it is only in the past week I have ...
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Pro MySql Administration | 199.97 | 2008 | Database | Dharan |
2 | MySql Fundamentals | 65 | 2011 | Administration | Hari Krishnan |
3 | The Complete Guide to SQL Server | 84.22 | 2014 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
4 | The Practical SQL Handbook | 165 | 2015 | Security | Sakunthala |
The SQL LEFT JOIN (specified with the keywords LEFT JOIN and ON) joins two tables and fetches all matching rows of two tables for which the data selects.
difference between left join and left outer join
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Pro Oracle SQL | 178.69 | 2014 | Database | Keshavan |
2 | Easy Oracle PL/SQL Programming | 170 | 2006 | Programming | Pandurengan |
3 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 70 | 2015 | Administration | Dharan |
4 | Complete Guide To No-SQL | 136.33 | 2007 | Optimization | Padmavathi |
The SQL WHERE LIKE syntax. The general syntax is: SELECT column-names; FROM table-name; WHERE column-name LIKE value.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Oracle Concurrency | 150 | 2010 | Programming | Vidyavathi |
2 | The Complete Guide to MySql | 90 | 2007 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
3 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 99.99 | 2011 | Administration | Sakunthala |
4 | Troubleshooting SQL Server | 95 | 2015 | Security | Pandurengan |
SQL NOT NULL constraint enforces to a column is always contain a value. ... You should manually define NOT NULL constraint because table column set NULL.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | 99.99 | 2007 | Administration | Chandra |
2 | The Gurus Guide To SQL Server | 125 | 2014 | Database | Hanumanthan |
3 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 168.27 | 2010 | Performance | Sakunthala |
4 | Professional Microsoft SQL Server | 178.69 | 2009 | Database | Keshavan |
The SQL ORDER BY clause is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on one or more columns. Some database sorts query results in ascending order.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | My SQL Complete Reference | 123.45 | 2011 | Optimization | Nirmala |
2 | Programming With Sql Server T-Sql | 175 | 2014 | Programming | Devi Mai |
3 | SQL For Microsoft Access | 165 | 2008 | Performance | Vinoth Kumar |
4 | Pro Oracle SQL | 71.87 | 2008 | Administration | Ramanathan |
You can define a primary key in SQL Server 2016 by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL in a Nutshell | 178.69 | 2010 | Security | Hanumanthan |
2 | Securing SQL Server | 105 | 2007 | Administration | Padmavathi |
3 | Oracle Database Internals | 200 | 2011 | Optimization | Azaghu Varshith |
4 | Teach Yourself SQL | 80 | 2012 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
The SQL RIGHT JOIN, joins two tables and fetches rows based on a condition, which is matching in both the tables ( before and after the JOIN).
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Jump Start MySQL | 140 | 2009 | Optimization | Ranjani Mai |
2 | SQL Design Patterns | 199.97 | 2012 | Programming | Chandra |
3 | Securing SQL Server | 125 | 2015 | Administration | Sakunthala |
4 | Sql Server Concurrency | 135 | 2015 | Optimization | Harish Karthik |
SELECT is used to retrieve rows selected from one or more tables, and can include UNION statements and subqueries. The most commonly used clauses of SELECT statements are these:
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | SQL Puzzles & Answers | 99.99 | 2012 | Database | Padmavathi |
2 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 145 | 2007 | Programming | Bala Murugan |
3 | From Access To SQL Server | 160 | 2014 | Administration | Hanumanthan |
4 | Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes | 185 | 2006 | Administration | Devi Mai |
The SQL SELECT TOP Clause. The SELECT TOP clause is used to specify the number of records to return. The SELECT TOP clause can be very useful on large tables with thousands of records.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Red Gate Guide to SQL Server | 71.87 | 2009 | Optimization | Sakunthala |
2 | The Complete Guide to SQL | 120 | 2013 | Programming | Chandra |
3 | SQL Server Database Internals | 130 | 2007 | Performance | Ranjani Mai |
4 | MySql Interview Questions | 175 | 2009 | Security | Bala Murugan |
The SQL UNION operator is used to combine the result sets of 2 or more SELECT statements.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Troubleshooting Oracle | 75 | 2011 | Database | Dharan |
2 | SQL and Relational Theory | 84.22 | 2014 | Performance | Keshavan |
3 | Oracle Interview Questions | 185 | 2013 | Security | Hanumanthan |
4 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 60 | 2009 | Security | Varshini Kutty |
This Oracle tutorial explains how to create, drop, disable, and enable unique constraints in Oracle with syntax and examples. A unique constraint is a single field.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Foundations Of Sql Server 2008 | 145 | 2014 | Programming | Varshini Kutty |
2 | The Database Language SQL | 170 | 2013 | Administration | Padmavathi |
3 | The Microsoft Data Warehouse | 84.22 | 2009 | Security | Hanumanthan |
4 | SQL Functions Reference | 99.99 | 2006 | Database | Balan |
An SQL UPDATE statement changes the data of one or more records in a table. Either all the rows can be updated, or a subset may be chosen using a condition.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Complete Guide To No-SQL | 123.45 | 2008 | Security | Vidyavathi |
2 | Professional Oracle | 115 | 2011 | Security | Padmavathi |
3 | MySQL: The Complete Reference | 135 | 2006 | Programming | Keshavan |
4 | The Complete Guide to MySql | 65 | 2006 | Database | Dharan |
In brief SQL WHERE clause is used to extract only those results from a SQL statement, such as: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
ID | BookName | Price | Year | Domain | AuthorName |
1 | Mastering Oracle SQL | 168.27 | 2014 | Security | Nirmala |
2 | Oracle Interview Questions | 135 | 2008 | Database | Varshini Kutty |
3 | Transact SQL Cookbook | 170 | 2013 | Administration | Sakunthala |
4 | Data Analysis Using SQL | 95 | 2007 | Performance | Varshini Kutty |
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